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Native Android Implementation

MTE Relay Client-Side Setup

This implementation is a package - not a product. It is useless without a corresponding MTE Relay Server licensed by the AWS Marketplace.

The source code can be viewed in the GitHub Project.


  1. An Android Application communicates with a RESTful API in the AWS Marketplace.
  2. An MTE Relay Server Container is subscribed and deployed in a Workflow in front of the API.
  3. The Android Java MTE Relay package is imported into the Android App
  4. HTTP GET and POST requests are replaced with relay.addToMteRequestQueue()

Typical Use Case

Directions for getting the package

The Android Java package is available as a maven dependency or by downloading the package from our our github repo and following the directions here!

Getting Started

The package supports:

  • Volley for simple GET and POST requests
  • File-streamed uploads and downloads

Consult the usage docs for more info and code samples!