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Creating your own Relay Client Package


An MTE Relay Client is responsible for creating encoder / decoder pairs with an MTE Relay server, managing their state, encoding requests, and decoding responses.


MTE Relay Server relies on four header values that should be included on every request.

  • x-mte-relay-server-id
    • This is a GUID issued by the server, and it is returned on all responses.
  • x-mte-relay-client-id
    • This is a GUID issued by the server, and signed with a server side secret
    • The client should maintain this value locally, and include it on every request
  • x-mte-relay-session-id
    • This is a GUID created by the client and included on every request
    • The session ID has a 1-to-1 relationship with an encoder/decoder pair.
    • The client can update this ID at any time and repair to create a new encoder/decoder pair
  • x-mte-relay-eh
    • The Encoded Headers header.
    • This value should contain an object of key:value pairs of headers that were JSON serialized into a string and MKE encoded.
    • If the request / response has a body, this value should contain the content-type of the body.
    • Optionally, it may contain other headers as well.

API Endpoints

MTE Relay Server exposes 2 APIs that the client must interact with before being able to send MTE Encoded requests.

HEAD /api/mte-relay

This should be the first request you make, and if the request is successful, then the server is a verified MTE Relay server.


  • Method: HEAD
  • Headers:
    • x-mte-relay-client-id [OPTIONAL] If you were assigned a client ID in a previous session, it should be maintained locally and included in this request. If you do not have a clientID, omit this header and you will be assigned a new one in the response headers.


curl --location --head '' \
--header 'x-mte-relay-client-id: 3cc660bd-9af4-4021-bcbc-c115cdcc8260.67a0f3db628748df575760f973c0ac559b8d0554eeaa54a0452a3d215f7ef901'


  • If this response is not successful, this is not an MTE Relay Server, and you should throw an error.
  • If this is successful, it is an MTE Relay Server, and you may request to create Encoder/Decoder pairs with this server.
  • This request can be considered successful if
    • It's status is 200
    • It contains the headers
      • x-mte-relay-server-id
      • x-mte-relay-client-id - Save this ID an include it on every future request. This is how the server identifies unique connecting clients.

POST /api/mte-pair

Use this API to exchange instantiation data and create a new encoder/decoder pair with the server.


  • Method: POST
  • Headers:
    • x-mte-relay-client-id
      • Required.
      • Use the value assigned by /api/mte-relay
    • x-mte-relay-session-id
      • Required
      • Create this on the client.
      • This value is tied to the encoder/decoder pair created by this API.
      • If this value is ever changed, you will need to call this API with the new value to create new encoder/decoder pairs using this session ID.
  • Body:
    • encoderPersonalizationStr The client-side encoder's personalization string
    • encoderPublicKey The client-side encoder's ECDH public key, as aBase64 string
    • decoderPersonalizationStr The client-side decoder's personalization string
    • decoderPublicKey The client-side decoder's ECDH public key, as aBase64 string

Example Curl:

curl --location '' \
--header 'x-mte-relay-client-id: 3cc660bd-9af4-4021-bcbc-c115cdcc8260.67a0f3db628748df575760f973c0ac559b8d0554eeaa54a0452a3d215f7ef901' \
--header 'x-mte-relay-session-id: VDWXXi7RparXDWi0HZghQNUfwJyhVFJTGvwZ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"encoderPersonalizationStr":"i7sP5zyRPAjqHzP7xXrmmxQ9exvanmbv9D9Z","encoderPublicKey":"BAEFsKkl2yLGp+5Ajr0+DgoaBROhZSaEnE4MT6xca1ahNLvUomQwOebTjDsKhwkTsAZtsDX3mbT/ZYyHQcK/tck=","decoderPersonalizationStr":"JCtwalAj4UwXc2Hr3yLEzAsx7N4l8pxfUL8e","decoderPublicKey":"BEvfJoctdqgYxCHSxEsQzLll5hqk7sh50GFv3XG8EwK5fWdwcmEENhf4E1CtAGD9ywPHjtnz8iel5HWaoDzU58o="}'


The response should include:

  • Status 200
  • Headers:
    • x-mte-relay-server-id
    • x-mte-relay-client-id
    • x-mte-relay-session-id
  • JSON Body:
    • encoderNonce The server-side encoder's nonce string
    • encoderPublicKey The server-side encoder's ECDH public key, as aBase64 string
    • decoderNonce The server-side decoder's nonce string
    • decoderPublicKey The server-side decoder's ECDH public key, as aBase64 string


"encoderNonce": "5473069918238",
"encoderPublicKey": "BEhcMrY8IBBAn0oHQDNFiyw3tCXWr6s83eaqFbbPTFUzpaxNR4P1svv64cDFOv2Kbu1o5vSSNKVJTzLWXOvOUFw=",
"decoderNonce": "37615310760989",
"decoderPublicKey": "BFVHBOgSHe0nXao4PJGBIGCoOsKt3L6UC2SppuQLIvHWxWX+jUeOwNBox6Or3OEre2gCroEfDke8MWFigInONTw="

Creating an Encoder / Decoder

After sending this /api/mte-pair request successfully, both sides should have enough data to create encoder decoder pairs. Combine the client-encoder values with the server-decoder values, and vice-versa to create the correct pairs.

Saving MTE State

The ID headers should be used for maintaining MTE State. The formula for saving MTE state should be:

  • encoder.severId.sessionId
    • encoder.fc16d510-0bbb-11ee-be56-0242ac120002.0498200e-0bbc-11ee-be56-0242ac120002
  • decoder.serverId.sessionId
    • decoder.fc16d510-0bbb-11ee-be56-0242ac120002.0498200e-0bbc-11ee-be56-0242ac120002

Proxying Requests with MTE Relay

Encode Headers

If the request has a body it should also have a Content-Type header. You need to add that header to a object or dictionary that can be JSON serialized into a string. Optionally, add any other headers to this object to be encoded.

const headersToEncode = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
Authorization: "Bearer PD&meEB0tJkS$1#oufw3K2G7@pTC9Nac",
const encodedHeadersStr = JSON.stringify(headersToEncode);

MKE encode the above string and attach it to the request under the header x-mte-relay-eh

request.headers["x-mte-relay-eh"] = mkeEncode(encodedHeadersStr);

Encode Request Body

If the request has a body, simply mke encode the body and attach it as the body of the request.

Send request with correct headers