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MTE Core Code Samples


Samples expand on our "Examples" by providing longer snippets of code demonstrating entire processes. The objective of an MTE Core "Samples" is to provide examples of how to use the MTE Core Encoder and MTE Core Decoder within a single working application.

In this example an input message is being encoded and decoded within a single program but in actual implementations the encoder and decoder would be on separate endpoints. By having both the Encoder and Decoder within one application it allows for the simplest working demonstration for interacting with the MTE. For more information, please see the official MTE developer guides.

Simple MTE Core Console Demo

using System;

namespace MTE {
class demoCsMin {
static int Main() {
// Status.
MteStatus status;

// Input.
string input = "hello";

// Personalization string.
string personal = "demo";

// Initialize MTE license. If a license code is not required (e.g., trial
// mode), this can be skipped. This demo attempts to load the license
// info from the environment if required.
MteBase baseObj = new MteBase();
if (!baseObj.InitLicense("YOUR_COMPANY", "YOUR_LICENSE")) {
string company = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MTE_COMPANY");
string license = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MTE_LICENSE");
if (company == null || license == null ||
!baseObj.InitLicense(company, license)) {
status = MteStatus.mte_status_license_error;
Console.Error.WriteLine("License init error ({0}): {1}",
return (int)status;

// Output original data.
Console.WriteLine("Original data: {0}", input);

// Create the Encoder and Decoder.
MteEnc encoder = new MteEnc();
MteDec decoder = new MteDec();

// Create all-zero entropy for this demo. The nonce will also be set to 0.
// This should never be done in real applications.
int entropyBytes = encoder.GetDrbgsEntropyMinBytes(encoder.GetDrbg());
byte[] entropy = new byte[entropyBytes];

// Instantiate the Encoder.
status = encoder.Instantiate(personal);
if (status != MteStatus.mte_status_success) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Encoder instantiate error ({0}): {1}",
return (int)status;

// Encode the input.
string encoded = encoder.EncodeB64(input, out status);
if (status != MteStatus.mte_status_success) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Encode error ({0}): {1}",
return (int)status;

// Display the message.
Console.WriteLine("Base64 message: {0}", encoded);

// Instantiate the Decoder.
status = decoder.Instantiate(personal);
if (status != MteStatus.mte_status_success) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Decoder instantiate error ({0}): {1}",
return (int)status;

// Decode the message.
string decoded = decoder.DecodeStrB64(encoded, out status);
if (decoder.StatusIsError(status)) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Decode error ({0}): {1}",
return (int)status;
} else if (status != MteStatus.mte_status_success) {
Console.Error.WriteLine("Decode warning ({0}): {1}",

// Output the decoded data.
Console.WriteLine("Decoded data: {0}", decoded);

// Compare the decoded data against the original data.
if (decoded == input) {
Console.WriteLine("The original data and decoded data match.");
} else {
Console.WriteLine("The original data and decoded data DO NOT match.");
return -1;

// Success.
return 0;