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// Get the Decoder DRBG reseed counter
// This is the MTE's current seed count
ulong currentSeed = mteDecoder.GetReseedCounter();

// Get the Decoder DRBG max reseed interval
ulong maxSeed = mteBase.GetDrbgsReseedInterval(mteDecoder.GetDrbg());

// If the current seed is greater than 90% of the max seed
// Uninstantiate the MTE then Reinitialize the MTE
// with a new entropy and nonce to reseed
if (currentSeed > (maxSeed * 0.9)) {
// Uninstantiate the Decoder
MteStatus decoderStatus = mteDecoder.Uninstantiate();
if(decoderStatus != MteStatus.mte_status_success) {
// MTE was not uninstantiated as desired so handle
// failure appropriately, below is only an example
throw new Exception("Failed to uninstantiate Decoder. Status: "
+ mteDecoder.GetStatusName(decoderStatus)+ " / "
+ mteDecoder.GetStatusDescription(decoderStatus));
// Re-handshake to get new entropy value
// AND new nonce value
// Full code sample not here, to see example
// please see Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
HandshakeModel handshake = MethodToHandshake();

// Set Decoder entropy and nonce
// Initialize MTE Decoder
MteStatus decoderStatus = mteDecoder.Instantiate(personalizationString);
if(decoderStatus !=MteStatus.mte_status_success) {
// MTE cannot continue so handle failure appropriately
// Below is just an example
throw new ApplicationException($"Failed to initialize the MTE Decoder engine." +
$"Status: {mteDecoder.GetStatusName(decoderStatus)} / " +